Anesthesia technology refers to the practice of administering medications either by injection or by inhalation (breath in) that blocks the feeling of pain and other sensations, or that produces a deep state of unconsciousness that eliminates all sensations, which allows medical and surgical procedures to be undertaken without causing undue distress or discomfort. The word Anesthesia is coined from two Greek words: “an” meaning “without” and “aesthesis” meaning “sensation”. There are various types of anesthesia. Throughout their lives, most people will undergo anesthesia either during the birth of their baby or for a surgical procedure, which could range from relatively short, simple surgery on a day-stay basis through to major surgery requiring complex, rapid decisions to keep them safe. Many of today’s operations are made possible as a result of developments in anesthesia and training of specialists anesthetists.
The success of the health care system in this country depends upon qualified personnel. An Anesthesia Technologist is a trained medical professional who assists surgeons in a range of important tasks. With the aging of our population and the shortage of trained staff and other anesthesia personnel, there are many exciting job opportunities in this field. Your associate degree will provide you with the extensive knowledge and training necessary to work as a vital member of the anesthesia care team, typically in an emergency, operating or delivery room. Once you’re Anesthesia Technology Certified, you’ll be qualified to work in:
- Hospital operating rooms
- Intensive care units
- Emergency rooms
- Emergency ambulatory vehicles
- Delivery rooms
- University Of The Punjab, Lahore
- Khyber Medical University, Peshawar
- Shifa Tameer-e-millat University, Islamabad
- Rehman College of Allied Health Sciences, Peshawar
- Bashir Para-medical Institute, Islamabad
- Prime Institute Of Health Sciences, Islamabad
- King Edward Medical University, Lahore
- University Of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad
- Northwest Institute Of Health Sciences, Peshawar
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