PMDC MDCAT Test 2024-25 [Complete Guide]

PMDC MDCAT Test has been part of the medical and dental colleges’ admission process for over 20 years. All medical and dental institutions in Pakistan, require applicants to submit recent MDCAT Result. Additionally, many other health professions and undergraduate programs accept MDCAT scores as evidence of academic knowledge and skill relevant to their field of study.

What is MDCAT?

The Medical & Dental Colleges Admission Test (MDCAT) is a standardized admission test that is MANDATORY for admission to MBBS and BDS programs in all public and private sector medical and dental institutions as per Section 18(1) of the Pakistan Medical Commission Act, 2020. It is a three-and-a-half hour (210 minutes) pen and paper-based test.

The test shall be administered by the University of Health Sciences (UHS), Lahore, on behalf of the PMDC and the Government of Punjab. UHS is responsible for producing and marking the test and facilitating an extensive province-wise center network at which the candidates can sit the test.

Weightage of MDCAT

As per the Admission Policy 2024 notified by the PMDC on 10th October 2024, the criteria to formulate merit for admission to a medical or dental college shall be as follows:

  • SSC/Matriculation/Equivalent – 10% weightage
  • FSc (Pre-Medical)/HSSC/Equivalent – 40% weightage
  • MDCAT-2024 – 50% weightage

MDCAT Syllabus 2024

The question paper for the Test shall be from the MDCAT Curriculum 2024 notified by the PMDC on 27th June 2024 and that is available at

The pattern of Question Paper

As per the PMDC syllabus, the test shall consist of one paper containing 200 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) – four options with a single best answer- divided into Four (05) sections, namely:

  • Biology (68 MCQs)
  • Chemistry (54 MCQs)
  • Physics (54 MCQs)
  • English (18 MCQs)
  • Logical Reasoning (06 MCQs)

MDCAT Registration 2024

The online registration of MDCAT-2024 was done by the Pakistan Medical Commission. The registration has been closed on 10th October 2024. Any query or complaint regarding registration must be addressed to the Pakistan Medical Commission, Islamabad.

Check:- NUST Entry Test

MDCAT Test Centers

As per PMDC directions, the MDCAT-2024 shall be conducted in the following eight (08) cities of Punjab:

  1. Lahore
  2. Faisalabad
  3. Multan
  4. D.G. Khan
  5. Bahawalpur
  6. Sahiwal
  7. Sialkot
  8. Gujranwala

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: Pakistan Medical Commission has registered candidates for MDCAT irrespective of domicile. Therefore, a candidate from other provinces/regions can appear in Punjab. Admission to public sector colleges, however, shall be granted based on the domicile of the respective province.

Ans: Yes, you can. As per PMC Policy Decision, the MDCAT of one province/region is acceptable in other provinces/regions for admission purposes.

Ans: Yes, you can. However, the scores of these two MDCATs shall apply to respective institutes only.

Ans: MDCAT-2023 will be conducted on November 13, 2023.

Ans: MDCAT-2023 exam shall be a pen-paper test. Candidates have to mark their responses in the OMR sheets.

Ans: As per the PMC Regulations, there are no maximum limits on attempting the MDCAT exam.

Ans: Pakistan Medical Commission (PMDC) is the regulatory body for the conduct of the MDCAT. The test is conducted province/region-wise by a public sector medical university nominated as the Admitting University every year by the respective government.

Ans: Qualifying for MDCAT of the respective province/region is mandatory for admission into public and private sector medical and dental colleges of that province/region.

Ans: No, you cannot forfeit your candidature. There is no option to do it. You will not get a refund if you don’t appear for your exam.

Ans: Candidates will be allotted one mark for every right response. There shall be no mark for unanswered questions. Moreover, there will be no negative marking for incorrect answers.

Ans: The MDCAT-2023 shall be conducted from PMC MDCAT Curriculum 2023 notified on 27 th June 2023.

Ans: There are 68 questions from Biology, 54 from Chemistry, 54 from Physics, 18 from English, and 6 questions will be of Logical Reasoning.

Ans: You can download your Admittance Card from the UHS website with effect from 7 to November 2023.

Ans: Along with a print-out of your admittance card, you must carry your original CNIC/POC/JC/Passport/B-Form (Please bring the same document with which you registered for MDCAT-2023), two good quality blue ballpoint pens, a clean clipboard, and a small bottle of drinking water.

Ans: If your particulars are wrongly printed on your admittance card, then you can contact the University through email at [email protected] and PMC on their helpline ( 033-11-00-6191 ) and get it rectified.

Ans: Do not worry. If you have misplaced your MDCAT admittance card, you can again download your admittance card from the web link.

Ans: The MDCAT exam commences from 11:00 am onwards. Therefore, one can enter the exam hall two hours before the exam for making a hassle-free entry.

Ans: Male candidates are advised to wear light-coloured T-shirts/shirts. There should be no fancy pockets, zips, or big buttons in your clothing. Wear trousers and shoes. While female candidates, wear light colors. Avoid elaborate prints, embroidery, zips, sleeves, brooches, and buttons. Wear sandals and slippers (low-heeled). They are advised not to wear any jewelry, belts, watches, or any such accessories on exam day.

Ans: Due to Covid-19, the candidates are advised to bring their own small 500 ml bottles of drinking water with them. However, any food items are not allowed inside the examination hall.

Ans: Once declared, candidates can visit the official website of PMC to check their MDCAT results. They will have to enter the relevant information as it appeared on their admittance card to access their results.

Ans: Yes, candidates can challenge the OMR grading and Answer Key within 05 days of the declaration of the result. Once challenged, the responses will be verified by the University, and if found correct, the result shall undergo a revision. The final answer result will then be updated on the official website of PMC.

Ans: Yes, you can. However, you can only challenge a question (e.g., out-of-course question, incorrect question or responses, etc.) before the official release of the Answer Key. The Answer Key is usually released in the evening of the same day when the test is conducted.

You can send an e-mail to the University in this regard at [email protected] by 06:00 pm on the test day. Your query/complaint regarding the question shall be considered by a committee of subject specialists and you will be informed of the decision of the committee.

Ans: No, UHS does not offer or endorse any MDCAT prep resources. The students are advised to prepare for the test from their respective textbooks.

Ans: No official source is available in this regard. However, you can search various websites on Google.

Ans: MDCAT is a competitive exam. You need a minimum of 55% marks to be eligible to apply for admission into a public or private sector medical college and a minimum of 45% marks to apply for a dental college.

However, your admission shall depend upon your rank in the merit list. The better the rank, the better your chance to get admission. Please note that qualifying for MDCAT does not, in any way, guarantee your admission into a medical/dental college.

Ans: There may be different reasons for that. Your result might have been withheld by the University due to some discrepancy e.g., unfair means case, problem case, etc. In many cases, a candidate is unable to access his/her online result because he/she is entering incorrect information on the link. You will only be able to access your online result if you enter the same spellings of your and your father’s name on the web link as you entered these in your online application form. Even then if the issue remains unresolved, please contact PMC for help.

Ans: No, you are required to fill the bubbles with a blue ballpoint pen only.

Ans: No, you must bring your original CNIC/POC/JC/Passport/B-Form with which you registered for the MDCAT.

Ans: Cramming the night before – This is likely to leave you feeling fatigued for test day. This is a competitive exam for which you have to study thoroughly. You must know that all the topics cannot be mastered in one night. It’s therefore much better to get a good night’s sleep, to be on top form for test day.

Skipping breakfast on exam day – Research shows that students who eat breakfast perform better in exams. For the best breakfast, include slow-release carbohydrates, such as whole-grain bread, as they provide slow-release energy. Add a protein food, such as milk, yogurt, or eggs, to keep you feeling full for longer. On exam, the day aims to include a portion of a food rich in long-chain Omega-3 fats, such as walnuts, as they are believed to have brain-boosting properties.

One of the best ways to maximize your focus is to stay hydrated. Even mild dehydration can lead to tiredness, headaches, reduced alertness, and diminished concentration.

Take a bottle of water into the exam; a study of university students found that those who brought drinks, especially water, with them into the exam performed on average 5% better than those who didn’t.

Not reading the question properly – This mistake can mean the difference between passing and failing the exam. Simple errors, such as missing the word “not”, will lead to incorrect multiple-choice answers.

Obsessing over a certain question – There are likely to be tougher questions in each section that require more time to figure out. You should not fixate on these questions, but mark your answer, flag it for review, and move on. You can always come back to it if you have time left at the end. However, it’s more important that you attempt more questions.

Being unfamiliar with the testing platform – There are still many students that sit the MDCAT exam without having taken MDCAT practice tests, which enables you to become familiar with all the features on the paper. It is also useful to familiarize yourself with the pattern of the questions – with practice comes to speed!

Overcomplicating the question/response – The multiple-choice nature of the MDCAT exam, and poor guidance often lead people to believe that the answer to a question is more complicated than is the case, again causing them to spend more time than necessary on a question.

Leaving questions blank – The MDCAT does not use negative markings anymore, so you will not lose marks for incorrect answers or leaving questions unanswered. Leaving questions blank is one of the most common mistakes that test takers make on test day. Use intelligent guesswork for the questions you are not sure of the answers to. Each guess you make gives you a chance of getting it right! Remember that each question is worth one mark. Unlike in other exams you have taken, you don’t get more marks for questions that are more difficult.

Ans: Your MDCAT score will have a weightage of 50 percent, along with your HSSC/FSc/ Equivalent exam score having a weightage of 40 percent and your SSC/Equivalent exam score, a weightage of 10 percent in your overall merit calculations. A high MDCAT score will ensure that you are submitting the best possible application and can make you stand out from other candidates.

Ans: It depends. We recommend starting preparation as early as you can before your test date. This will allow you enough time to go through your books and learn the strategies and techniques essential to getting a high MDCAT score. Don’t forget that you will get expert guidance from experienced teachers.

Practice with test-like questions to become familiar with each question type, and practice your pacing with questions that take more time. Then build your stamina/endurance with full-length practice tests. Prepare your practice tests with the help of your teachers. These practice tests will help you to familiarize yourself with the testing format and layout, so you do not waste valuable testing time on finding different features of the test when it comes to the real exam. Preparation in a classroom is also highly recommended as teachers have students answer questions using only the time allowed on Test Day. And finally.

Review the areas where you need the most improvement. Ideally, the preparation materials and books you are using will help to easily identify these areas, so any time remaining before the test is used for reviewing these.

Ans: The MDCAT is primarily for admission to MBBS/BDS program. However, universities and colleges may use MDCAT scores for admission to undergraduate programs. You are advised to have proper information from the institutions concerned.

Ans: The MDCAT is different from HSSC/ A-levels. It focuses on assessing your problem-solving skills and your ability to apply knowledge rather than your ability to simply recall knowledge that you have memorized. You will need to learn how to answer many questions quickly and correctly rather than a few do well.

It is common not to be able to complete all the questions in the MDCAT. You must learn the skill of prioritization and knowing what questions to skip and come back to later and which ones to simply guess. The MDCAT is NOT negatively marked, but despite this, every year a significant proportion of candidates still leave answers blank.

You will not revise in the typical way you have done so because admissions tests require learning strategies and techniques rather than cramming in knowledge like HSSC/A-level exam. The MDCAT only requires knowledge of HSSC/GCSE level which candidates are expected to possess already.


  1. arjumand bano
  2. Fatima shafique

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