A journey through the Islamic law, “Road to Mecca” written by Muhammad Asad is a very famous book. In this text, he attempts to explain all different rules and their beginnings with an emphasis on what happens at the beginning of one’s life as well as how they can contribute towards spiritual growth in Islam.
Although it includes many basics information such as Jihad (holy war), Modways -acceptable practices not mandated by scripture but argued superiority over others dhikr or remembering God daily etc., yet some topics discussed more thoroughly include: thirst for knowledge which leads people back into learning instead Thirst For Salivation described across eras during times leading up until final judgement day when Dajjal comes promising peace only if believers will give him tribute.
The Road To Mecca
Pease Classic Islamic Series
By Muhammad Asad
Other Works By Muhammad Asad The Message Of The Quran Islam At The Crossroads
Shahih Al Bukhari The Early Years Of Islam The Principles Of State And Government In Islam
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