Table of Contents
- The Land of Pakistan
The Natural Topography, including drainage - Northern, North-Western, and Western Mountains
- The Desert Areas
- Topography / Land reforms
Climate - Climatic Elements (Temperature, Rainfall, Winds etc
- Effects of Climate on Life of the People
- Climatic Hazards (Floods, Storms, Soil Erosion, Draughts etc.)
Natural Resources-an Issue of Sustainability of Water - Rivers and Dams of Pakistan
- Irrigation System
- Indus Water Treaty
- Water-logging and Salinity
- Water Deficiency/Water Pollution
Forests - Types of Forests in Pakistan
- Importance/Uses of Forests
- Afforestation/Deforestation and Solutions
Mineral Resources - Mining Processes
- Types of Minerals
Fishing Industry - Fishing Methods and Areas
Agriculture Development - Small-Scale Subsistence Farming
- Farming System/Methods
- Major Crops of Pakistan
- Fruit Farming
- Livestock Farming
- Agricultural Land Use/Land Reforms
Power Resources
- Renewable Sources of Energy/Sources of Energy
- Non-renewable Sources of Energy
- Coal
- Petroleum/Mineral Oil
- Natural Gas
- Electricity (Hydel/Thermal)
- Nuclear Energy
Industrial Development-Secondary and Tertiary Industries - Principle Factory Industries in Pakistan
- Industrial Estates/Zones
- Cottage/Craft/Small-Scale Industries
- Air Pollution
- Tertiary Industry/Tourism
Trade - Exports and Imports of Pakistan
- Trade Centres of Pakistan
- Export Processing Zones
Transport and Telecommunications - Dry Ports
- Pakistan Railways/Roads
- Air Transport
- Sea Transport
- Telecommunications
Population and Employment - Population Growth/Change/Increase
- Population Structures
- Population Distribution/Density/Pyramid
- Employment and Unemployment
- Birth Rates/Death Rates/Life Expectancy/Healthcare
- Migration
- Literacy/Education Self-Help Schemes
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