Agriculture and Forestry Book for CSS PMS GAT by M. Sohail Bhatti
₨ 1400.00
- Agriculture
- Concept of Integrated Agriculture
- Components of Natural Resources as bases for Agriculture production
- Land and water
- Biological Agriculture
- Environmental bases for Agricultural production
- Challenges in Pakistan Agriculture
- Present Scenario and future Prospects
- Analytic Overview
- Issues and Strategies for improvement of crop management
- livestock management
- Cottage industries in Pakistan
- Resource management and rural development in Pakistan
- Elements of Climate and their relationships with Crop Growth
- Farming systems of Pakistan
- Biological Nitrogen Fixation
- Soil Profile
- Texture and Structure
- Soil Fertility
- Soil Erosion and Conservation
- Soil Conservation
- Water logging and Salinity
- Genetic improvement for Crop Production
- Seed production technology Control
- Agricultural crops of Pakistan
- Horticulture
- Floriculture
- Landscaping
- Pests and diseases of Agriculture crops and their control
- Integrated Pest Management
- Rainfed and Irrigated Agriculture
- Agriculture Mechanisation
- Land Tenure and Land Reforms
- Role of Agriculture in National Economy
- Forestry
- Forest importance and Significance
- Range Land its importance and Significance
- Wildlife its importance and Significance
- Forest Management and Utilization
- Wood Based Industries in Pakistan
- Silvicultural System
- Range Management and Utilization
- National and International Forest wealth statistics
- Role of wildlife as value addition to forestry
- Forest based wildlife Reservations of Pakistan and their Management
- Ecotourism
- Forestry
- Agro-Gorestry
- Social Forestry
- Forest Biometrics
- Socio-Economic and Ecological Impact of Manmade forests
- Watershed management and role of forests in prevailing climate change Dilemma
- National forests laws and policies at national level
- Biodiversity
- Environment
- Previous Papers
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