- Dogar Unique Super intelligence Tests
- intelligence Test Series
- For ISSB FAF ARMY NAVY PMA Airman CSS PCS NTS BCS MCS Entry Tests & Other Competitive exams
- Soft Binding
- Number of Pages 193
- English Language
- Written by Wali Muhammad Dogar
Super intelligence Tests is Including
- Analogy Test(exercise )Type 1
- Analogy Test(exercise )Type 2
Super intelligence test Book
- Analogy Test(exercise )Type 3
- Word Test Jumbled spelling test (exercise ) Coding & decoding test (exercise )Alphabetical test (exercise)word building Test (exercise ) Arrangement of the Word in accordance with Dictionary (exercise ) sentence Formation test selection of an Appropriate word odd man out test word completion test Assigning Value Of Arithmetical signs Data Sufficiency test test reasoning
- Verbal Super intelligence Test
- Analogy Test(exercise )Type 3
- Word Test Jumbled spelling test (exercise ) Coding & decoding test (exercise )Alphabetical test
- Non Verbal Super intelligence
- During world war II England & America intelligence
- Tests for Selection for candidates for the defiance force For ISSB FAF ARMY NAVY PMA Airman CSS PCS NTS BCS MCS Entry Tests & Other Competitive exams these were also Adopted for the some Purpose in our Country intelligence Tests were preferred over traditional tests because the Former measures the the basic innate Ability of candidate to solve problem of a Novel nature traditional tests Assess only the acquired knowledge of candidates which they learn throng classroom moreover intelligence Tests are easy to administer for a large number of candidates & are of an Objective nature & More foolproof intelligence Test are been Classified in to different types in the book the method of tacking each type has been fully explained with example the Candidates seeking Admission to medical college will be know nearly 85% of question Asked in the intelligent Test Paper for AFMC Admission test are Covered in this book this book will also be Found useful to candidates Appearing in the Civil Services CSS PMS PCS Exam for Preparing Mental Ability Test it is hope that has Compilation will help the young men who seek a career not only in the Armed forces but it many other professional including the civil services in Which the employers use this method for test the candidates he book has be written in the Popular Question Answer form to make the book useful brilliant Student As well as Techers footnotes have also been provides it is hope the book will be found useful by Student offering
- In intelligence tests basic aptitude of the candidates is tested this test consisted of collection of problems in various forms which are required to be solved within specified time limit this problem can be in different forms letter words pattern picture etc the basic idea underlying the logical mental alertness Keenness Quick thinking & keen observation a man may be best suited in one job whereas he may be a Failure in other field e.g man who is most suited as a Doctor may not be well Furnished for engineering or an education job every person has a Special Aptitude for a certain type of work & does will in that particular field but if he is put in anther field he may appropriate or must suitable person for specific job need a great care the intelligence & Logical reasoning test helps in the selection of suitable candidates for different jobs
- intelligent Test can be Divided in two main type verbal & Non Verbal