Oxford New Syllabus Mathematics D-1 7th Edition
Authors. Dr.Joseph Yeo Teh Keng Seng Loh Cheng Yee
New Syllabus Mathematics (NSM)
Is a Series Of textbooks specially designed to provide valuable learning experiences to engage the hearts and minds of students sitting for the GCE O Level examination in Mathematics. Included in the textbooks are Investigation, Class Discussion, Thingking Time, Journal Writing,Performance Task and Problems in Real-World Contexts to support the teaching and learning of Mathematics.
As a student, you need to be engaged with your lessons. You must have fun and enjoy the learning process! New Syllabus Mathematics D-1 Book offers valuable teaching experiences that will engage students sitting for GCE, 0 level examinations in mathematics by including Investigation Class Discussion Thinking Time Journal Writing Performance Task Problems Real World Contexts.
Some important included are Algebra Integers, Estimation Rational Numbers, Addition Subtraction of Arithmetic Sums, and rounding errors during estimation Calculations. This book is a treasure trove for any budding mathematician. It contains all the topics one needs to know.
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