Feature of this Book:
Including this Book Long Teaching experience have thus motivated us to provides many Students that would cover the entire syllabus of B.S M.Sc Level M.Phil .This Book Covers the Entire Basics of Wild Life.
₨ 450.00
Basic Conceptual Terms
1) Philosophy & Significance of wild life conservation
(i) Wildlife
(ii) Necessity for the conservation of wildlife (Philosophy & Significance)/Importance of Wildlife/Positive values of Wildlife
(iii) Negative values of Wildlife
(iv) Protection of Wildlife (Reasons)
(v) Habitat & its Maintenance
2) Biodiversity and sustainability of wildlife
i) Need for Conservation of wildlife
ii) Causes of depletion of wildlife
iii) Modes of wildlife conservation
iv) Distinct Modes of Conservation of Wildlife
v) Steps taken for conservation and management of wildlife in Pakistan
vi) Biodiversity
vii) Sustainable development
3) Techniques in Wildlife
i) Ground and Arial Tracking
ii) Global positioning system (GPS)
iii) Radio Telemetry
iv) Mapping
4) Wildlife Conservation in Pakistan
i) IUCN Categories of Protected Areas
ii) Wildlife Sanctuaries
iii) Game Reserves
iv National Parks
v) Wetlands
vi) Ramsar convention on wetlands
vii) Ramsar Cites of Pakistan Wildlife of Pakistan
5) Wild Mammals of Pakistan
i) Wild mammals of Pakistan
ii) Birds of Pakistan
iii) Amphibians of Pakistan
iv) Reptiles of Pakistan
6) Endangered Species of Pakistan
i) IUCN Red List Categories/Wildlife Status Categories
ii) Red Data Book
iii) Characteristics of Endangered species
iv) Endangered species of Pakistan
7) Wildlife Agencies
i) National agencies or organization involved in conservation and management wildlife in Pakistan ii International agnencies involved in conservation of wildlife in Pakistan
8) Wildlife Rules and Regulations in Pakistan
9) Zoonosis
10) Ecoregion of Pakistan
11) Zoo and Zoo Rules
12) Wildlife Research Methodology
Blank map of Pakistan
Previous Paper
Including this Book Long Teaching experience have thus motivated us to provides many Students that would cover the entire syllabus of B.S M.Sc Level M.Phil .This Book Covers the Entire Basics of Wild Life.
Weight | 0.5 kg |
Dimensions | 27 × 21 × 2 cm |
Author Name | Dr Muhammad Khalid Balooch |
How many items in the box | 1 book |
Number of Pages | 259 |
Product Quality | Best Quality |
Publisher | Honey Publishers |
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