Important Note About This Book :
- This Book may be used in a wide variety of ways. It ca be used as the basis for a variety of courses, from short lecture courses on a Specific topic in Methods Of Mathematical Physics-I
- This book is based on lecture notes and the data has been collected from various recommended books and articles
Table of Content
Vector Analysis
- Scalar and Vector
- Scalar Product
- Vector Product
- Triple Product
- The Gradient
- The Divergence
- The Curl
- Curl of Vector
- Curl and Divergence
- Stokes’s Theorem
- Green’s Theorem in a Plane
- System of Coordinates
- Cylindrical Coordinates
- Spherical Polar Coordinates
- Scalar, Vector and Dyadic
- Kronecker Delta
- Symmetric and Anti-symmetric Tensor
- Levi-civita symbol/Permutation symbol/Eplison Tensor
- Fundamental Operation with Tensors
Matrix Algebra
- Matrix
- Jacobi Identity
- Successive Rotation
- Symmetry Properties
- Properties of Matrix
- Matrix Matrices
- Orthogonal Transpose Matrix
- Pauli and Dirac Matrix
- Eigen Vectors and Eigen Values
- Diagonalization of Matrix
- Inertia Matrix
Group Theory
- Introduction
- Isomorphism and Homomorphism
- Orthogonal Group (O3)
- Dihedral Group
Complex Number
- De Moivre’s formula
- Analytical Function
- Evaluation of Complex Integral
- -Harmonic Functions
- Elementary Function
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