- A Selection Modern English Essays
- For B.A Students
- Written by Prof Ssjjad Sheikh
- Number of Pages 204
About English Essays :
This Anthology has been Compiled in view of latest Recommendation made by University Grants Commission for the Teaching English Language in Pakistan Designed to replace the text Book A Selection Modern English Essays in 1980 it Aims at Providing an Attractive introduction to the modern English Essays without being exhaustive the selection offer a considerable verity of his most elastic form of English prose utilized by old and young twentieth century writers poets thinkers scientists and statemen who belong to Pakistan England & America Explanations and Questions at the end are added to help our student in Comprehensive & Use of English language teachers may devise some other questions and exercise for the Some Purpose in the According with Their Local Needs
 A Selection Modern English Essays is Including:
- Pakistan And modern world
- Descriptive essays the Eclipse Whistling of birds
- Narrations Essays take the plunge walking on the moon
- Characters :
- My grandfather W.B Yeats
- My Tailor Stephen Leacock
- Ironic and Humorous Essays
- The beauty industry
- Are doctor men of Science
- hosts & guests
- the bachelors diolamine
- Serious Essays
- Tolerance
- On sayings please
- The err is Human
- Gossip Science and value Super Anonymous
- From some policeman & a Moral the vitamins
- In conferring a degree upon me you & the University of Kansas city have bestowed upon me and my Country an Honour for Which I cannot thank you
- for my Address today I Have Advisedly chosen the subject of Pakistan and the modern World i have done this for subject this Pakistan & The modern world i have done this for two reason in this first place i ma conscious of the fact that you been kind enough to select me as the recipient of Your Recognition for your generosity in order to do honour to my Country rather than to reward me for my merits it is fitting therefore than in expressing for your Generosity mu country more than yourself should speak to you on this Occasions